Source Files Policy


All projects through CleverLight, unless otherwise specified, are for the completed project deliverable. At no time is CleverLight responsible for providing or maintaining a copy or backup of any files used to create project deliverables.

Web Design Source Files Policy

A website consists of HTML, CSS and Javascript code. Images and content are used to provide the visuals of a website. The final deliverable for a website project is the completed website, which can be provided in a zip of the website database and a zip of the HTML, CSS, Javascript and Images used on the website.

Other files such as Adobe Photoshop files are not included in the final deliverable for a website project and will not be provided, unless otherwise specified in your agreement with CleverLight.

Print Design Source Files Policy

A print designs final deliverables may include formats such as PDF, JPG and EPS files. While other programs, such as Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, may have been used to create these final deliverables, the InDesign and/or Illustrator files are not included in the final deliverables, unless otherwise specified in your agreement with CleverLight.

Source Files Retention

CleverLight is not responsible for retaining, backing up or maintaining a copy of the source files used for a client project for any period of time. Furthermore, CleverLight may automatically or manually purge old files from its servers after final deliverables have been delivered to the client.

Final Deliverable Ownership

All final deliverables, upon full payment for services, are the intellectual property of the client and may be used at the clients sole discretion.

Source Files Ownership

All source files are the intellectual property of CleverLight.

About the author

Bill is one of the founding partners at CleverLight. His background in web design, web development, user experience and digital marketing gives him a unique insight to each client project.

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