Why Content is So Important for SEO

Why Content is So Important for SEO

Successful website owners have an advantage over competitors. They know that content is key for ranking high with search engines. The right kind of content will get you traffic, high rankings, and organic search visibility. Without the right amount and the right kind of content, websites can incur Google penalties, be outranked, or virtually disappear from the first pages of organic online searches.

What is Content?

When people think of content, they automatically think of blog posts. Blogs are an excellent way to provide up-to-date, accurate information that is relevant to online searches. Blogs are one kind of content that can help with SEO.

Another important type of content is website content. This is the content that explains what the services or products are on the website. Website content covers things like the About pages, Services page, and more.

Other types of content are images, quizzes, videos, audio files, downloads, etc. These can be utilized just as much as site content and blog posts to bring in traffic and rank higher in search engines.

What Does Good Content Do?

Good content serves multiple purposes. These are:

  • Answering questions for site visitors
  • Engaging site visitors so they return
  • Being relevant to the questions asked in search engines
  • Containing accurate and quality information

Note that every piece of content on your website should serve the goals of the site. This means that content should contain information, keywords, and visual or audio aids for your target audience to find your site and acquire the answers they are looking for.

Why Content is So Valuable

Did you know that Google alone processes in excess of 5.6 billion searches per day? That’s not even including other search engines such as Bing. The original mission statement of Google was to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Now, in order to accomplish that mission,  Google needs to serve up the most relevant and useful website content links to every search query. That means that if your content is outdated, self-serving, or just inaccurate, Google isn’t going to be serving its mission by ranking your poor-quality content high. Instead, Google will choose your competitor’s site to offer up potential answers to its users’ search queries.

Providing high-quality, accurate, and relevant information within your content will enable you to rank higher than your competitors and bring more traffic to your site. In turn, that higher site traffic will also keep your rankings high, as well as give you the opportunity to obtain more leads and convert those leads into sales.

Now you have a sense as to why content is so important for SEO. Good content will help your site to rank high with Google and other search engines. It will also help you to retain site visitors, obtain leads and make sales. When you need quality content for your site, consider signing up for CleverLight’s Content Marketing BOSS Program. We make online marketing easier for you!

About the author

Lindsey is a senior project manager and content strategist at CleverLight. She leads our clients through the web design, development, and content marketing processes with excellent communication and time management skills. Since joining the team in 2020, she has become an integral part of the day-to-day operations at CleverLight.

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