It’s Time for a New Website

Award-Winning Web Design Agency: Web Design, Content & Digital Marketing. Offices in Nashua NH, Dover NH, Portsmouth NH, Boston MA & Miami FL.

Time, money, and effort all go into creating a website. Working with a developer, you’ll combine content, design, functionality, and user experience to highlight your company’s brand, find you the right users, and convert them into customers.

The good news—if you commit to the process and do it right, you’ll have an incredible website. The bad news—many companies wait for their website to go obsolete before they begin the process of building a new one.

Let’s dig in and highlight how you really know your website is on its last legs and its time for your company to upgrade.


You have unique web visitors, but they aren’t converting into customers.

What is your ROI? If you’ve spent good money on a website and digital marketing program to drive visitors there, but aren’t seeing them convert to customers you have a problem.

When building your website, you put thought into developing creative content and catchy Calls-to-Action intended to achieve a specific goal. If you’re not meeting that intended goal, ask yourself why not? Are visitors to your website lingering for only a few seconds before leaving? Are your conversions falling short? If yes, it’s likely time for a web redesign.

At CleverLight Media, we preach the importance of data-based decision making. That’s why we utilize heat mapping technology which tracks your users’ behavior when they visit your website. It offers a visual collage of where users click on your website to show you if your Calls-to-Action are working or if users are confused by the layout of your site. Additionally, we use DVR technology to record individual user experiences on your site from entrance to exit.

Once we’ve determined the behavior of your site visitors, we can adjust conversion strategies appropriately in the short-term, as well as include in your web redesign.


Your website is not mobile friendly.

According to recent studies, nearly 50% of global internet traffic occurs on a mobile device and in the United States more than 65% of all digital minutes occur on a smartphone or tablet.

The trend line is clear—mobile usage is going to overtake desktop; and soon. If your website is not built for mobile users, at least 50% of all visitors are a lost cause at any given time.


Your website was built in the 90s (and looks like).

Are you still driving the same car you were in 1999? Using the same phone? Wearing the same t-shirt?

No, right.

Then why are you still using the same website?

You’ve heard the adage—put your best foot forward; it absolutely applies to your website which is often the first introduction people have to your company.

Spend a few minutes to compare your website to those of your competitors and have an honest conversation with yourself. In a competitive marketplace, how do you compare? If the answer is “not well,” it’s time for a new website.


Your website takes more than two seconds to load.

Time is money. Your users will form an opinion about your website within 1 second of visiting your homepage and 4 out of 10 will leave if it doesn’t load within a couple of seconds. Depending on the size of your business, 40% of lost traffic due to a slow load time equates to thousands and thousands of dollars in lost revenue each year. And guess what—those customers are finding one of your competitors and giving them your lost business.

The functionality of your website is the first step in converting visitors to customers. A pretty design and strong brand mean nothing if your homepage doesn’t load quickly. Lucky for you, the team at CleverLight can expertly blend design, user experience, and functionality into a website which your customers will love.

Let’s get to work.



About the author

Bill is one of the founding partners at CleverLight. His background in web design, web development, user experience and digital marketing gives him a unique insight to each client project.

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