With the holidays right around the corner, now is a good time to revisit your organization’s marketing plan and make sure you’re prepared for a successful shopping season. One aspect of your marketing that you won’t want to overlook is that of e-mail. By keeping a few practical tips in mind as you move forward, you can refine your holiday e-mail marketing strategy with confidence.
1. Use Segmentation to Your Advantage
Did you know that personalized e-mails have a 25% higher click-through rate compared to generic e-mails? This means that if you’re not already segmenting your email list, you could be missing out. This is especially true during the holiday season when your brand will undoubtedly be facing more e-mail competition than during other times of the year.
There are plenty of metrics by which you can segment an email list, ranging from location and interests to buying habits and more. By sending personalized e-mails with special deals and offers, you can help your prospective customers make a purchase.
2. Deviate From Your “Standard” Format
The holidays are not the time to stick with your company’s plan, everyday e-mail template. Instead, consider sprucing things up a bit with some fun and festive colors, fonts, and imagery. This is the one time of year where it can really pay to get creative here.
Not sure how to create a new e-mail format? There are plenty of free templates available online if you do a little searching.
3. Don’t Overlook the Importance of Subject Lines
Your e-mail subject lines are more important than you might think. After all, up to 33% of e-mail users report that they decide whether or not to open an e-mail based on its subject line.
Fortunately, the holiday season is a great time to get a little festive with your subject lines and really draw in your potential customers. Consider, for example, sprinkling some fun holiday-themed emojis into your subject line or coming up with a cheerful pun that will engage your readers and leave them eager to find out more.
4. Start Your Marketing Early
Consider this a tip for next year too because it’s never too early to start planning your holiday marketing e-mails. This is especially true in 2020 when more than two-thirds of holiday shoppers report that they’ll be doing most of their shopping online.
If you put off your e-mail marketing until after Black Friday or other hallmark shopping dates, you might end up missing out on a lot of sales—so start early! At the end of the day, you know your industry and its typical buying cycles throughout the year, so plan your marketing around this for the best success.
The Bottom Line on Holiday E-Mail Marketing
Feeling a little overwhelmed by your organization’s marketing needs? Our team at Clever Light Media is here to help you navigate it all. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you make this your most successful holiday season yet.